The Genesis block started the Nyzo blockchain and generated all coins for the system. It contains a single type-0 transaction that transferred ∩100,000,000 to address 64afc20a4a4097e8-494239f2e7d1b1db-de59a9b157453138-f4716b72a0424fef.
Initially, all ∩100,000,000 from the Genesis block was under the control of the Nyzo team. The following table will provide a full accounting of the transactions that took place between the Genesis block, height 0, and the final transfer to the cycle account at height 4,720,382. This table is not yet complete.
1Coins in circulation: when locking was implemented, all coins earned by the 10 official Nyzo verifiers were locked. Additionally, all coins earned by 3 unofficial Nyzo verifiers were locked. Before the locking, these coins were considered to be in circulation, though none were sold. After the locking, these coins were no longer in circulation.
2Genesis coins controlled by Nyzo team: this does not include coins earned by official or unofficial Nyzo verifiers.