Nyzo techRelease notesNyzo 559: NTTP data generation

Nyzo 559: NTTP data generation

Nyzo version 559 (commit on GitHub) adds NTTP sender data generation to the client. It also introduces the normalized sender-data string.

This version affects primarily the client.

In Client, a different overload of ConsoleUtil.printTable() is now used to eliminate the need to wrap the String value in two layers of lists in this method.

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In ClientTransactionUtil.sendCycleTransaction(), PendingMessage objects and the ScriptUtil.sendMessages() method are now used. This reduces the time required to send the transaction to the entire cycle.

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The ClientTransactionUtil.senderDataString() method has been renamed to senderDataForDisplay(). This method was renamed to avoid confusion with the new normalized sender-data string format.

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ClientTransactionUtil.isNormalizedSenderDataString() tells whether an input string matches the format specified for normalized sender-data strings. This format is case-insensitive, but it is otherwise strict. The input string is decoded to a byte array and re-encoded to a normalized sender-data string. The input is then checked against the re-encoded version.

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ClientTransactionUtil.bytesFromNormalizedSenderDataString() decodes a normalized sender-data string to a byte array. A normalized sender-data string can represent any sender-data value from 0 to 32 bytes in length.

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The ClientTransactionUtil.normalizedSenderDataString() method produces a string representation of a sender data field. This field was designed to allow easy input of raw byte values in the sender-data field of various Nyzo tools and scripts without requiring an additional input to specify whether the sender-data input represented raw bytes or a text string.

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In CommandEndpoint.getFormPage() and CommandEndpoint.formElement(), the argumentValues list was removed. Now, argument values are always passed in the validationResult. This simplifies the data structures in this class, simplifies the logic, and allows non-error messages to be attached to arguments whenever the form is displayed.

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The red validation-message CSS class is now called validation-error, and validation-message is now used for non-error messages, displaying a green label next to arguments.

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In CommandEndpoint.formElement(), the argument value, if present, is always retrieved from the validationResult. The updated logic for the argumentSuffix handles the new green validation-message labels.

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Later in CommandEndpoint.formElement(), an automatically approved validationResult is now created if validation is not required. This ensures that a validationResult is always available when argument values are available.

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At the end of CommandEndpoint.formElement(), the logic for generating the next page has been simplified. This simpler logic was enabled by the consistent presence of the validationResult.

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NttpDataGenerateCommand was added to CommandManager.

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In ConsoleUtil, the printTable() overload that printed a single cell was modified to accept a variable number of string arguments. This still allows a single cell to be printed, but it also allows multiple cells in a single row to be printed without cumbersome wrapping in the calling method.

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In BalanceDisplayCommand, a getArgumentIdentifiers() method was added. This is a new method required by the Command interface. It is not yet used, but it will be utilized in the web client UI and in other upcoming client updates.

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Later in BalanceDisplayCommand, printing of a single-cell table was modified to match the new method signature.

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The getArgumentIdentifiers() method was added to the Command interface.

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In CycleTransactionListCommand, an implementation of getArgumentIdentifiers() was added, and a single-cell table print was modified.

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In CycleTransactionSendCommand, an implementation of getArgumentIdentifiers() was added. Also, in the validate() method, validation of the sender-data argument now allows input of raw byte data using a normalized sender-data string.

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In CycleTransactionSendCommand.run(), the case for a normalized sender-data string is now handled, also.

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CycleTransactionSignCommand.getArgumentIdentifiers() was implemented.

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In CycleTransactionSignCommand.validate(), the correct CommandOutput is now used.

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In EmptyCommand, ExitCommand, and InvalidCommand, the getArgumentIdentifiers() method was implemented to return a 0-length array.

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The NttpDataGenerateCommand produces a normalized sender-data string to indicate support for a Nyzo team technology proposal. The arguments are the NTTP number and the Git hash of a commit that contains a version of the technology proposal that you want to support.

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The NttpDataGenerateCommand.validate() method ensures that the NTTP number is within a reasonable range and the Git hash is a 40-character (20-byte) hexadecimal string.

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The entire validation is wrapped in a try/catch block. If there is an unexpected exception during validation, an exception validation result is produced. This result marks every field as invalid with "validation exception" as the validation message.

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NttpDataGenerateCommand.run() produces the normalized sender-data string necessary for indicating support for a Nyzo team technology proposal. This sender data format allows the cycle to indicate support for an NTTP at a specific Git commit. This allows proposals to be modified and updated, and there will be no question about which version the cycle supports.

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PrefilledDataCreateCommand, PrefilledDataSendCommand, PrivateNyzoStringCommand, PublicNyzoStringCommand, and TransactionSendCommand have implementations of getArgumentIdentifiers().

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In CycleTransactionSignScript.sendSignatures(), a CommandOutputConsole is now passed to ScriptUtil.sendMessages(). This argument is now required by that method to allow progress reporting.

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A new PendingMessage constructor omits the signerSeed argument, setting signerSeed to null.

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ScriptUtil.sendMessages() now has a CommandOutput argument. This is used to provide feedback about the number of messages that will be sent and progress in sending those messages.

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When the messages are sent in ScriptUtil.sendMessages(), the Message contructor that does not accept a signer seed is used when the signer seed on the PendingMessage is null. This causes the message to be signed by the default verifier key.

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In ConsensusTracker, the renamed ClientTransactionUtil.senderDataForDisplay() method is now referenced. As was noted above, this is a simple renaming to improve readability.

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In WebUtil, the convenience method that sanitizes sender data for web display was renamed for consistency with the renaming of the related ClientTransactionUtil method.

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