Nyzo techRelease notesNyzo 628: JSON refactoring

Nyzo 628: JSON refactoring

Nyzo version 628 (commit on GitHub) refactors some JSON code and fixes a bug in the JSON parser.

This version affects the client primarily.

The CommandTable class now implements the Json Renderable interface. The CommandTable.renderJson() method, which is the sole method of needed to implement the interface, renders a CommandTable to JSON with code that was previously contained in the SimpleExecutionResult.json ForCommandTable() method.

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The SimpleExecutionResult.toEndpointResponse() method now calls the toJson() method in its new location in the Json Renderer class.

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The toJson() method was removed from the Simple ExecutionResult class. This method is now contained in the Json Renderer class.

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The following image shows the remainder of the toJson() method that was removed from the SimpleExecutionResult class.

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The jsonForCollection() method was also moved from the SimpleExecutionResult class to the Json Renderable class.

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The jsonForArray() method was also moved from the SimpleExecutionResult class to the Json Renderable class.

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As noted above, the SimpleExecutionResult.jsonForCommand Table() method became the CommandTable.renderJson() method.

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The escapeStringForJson() method was also moved from the SimpleExecutionResult class to the Json Renderer class.

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In the Json.parseJsonArray() method, conditions were added to properly parse values not contained in quotes, such as [0, 2].

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The JsonArray class now implements the Json Renderable interface, implementing its renderJson() method to produce a String representation of its contents.

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The JsonObject class also now implements the Json Renderable interface, also implementing its renderJson() method to produce a String representation of its contents.

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The JsonRenderable interface declares a single method: renderJson(). This interface should be implemented by any class that does not want the structure of its public interface to define how it is rendered into JSON.

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The JsonRenderer.toJson() method was moved from the SimpleExecutionResult class. Modifications were made to support the more general cases of JsonRenderable objects instead of the more specific cases of CommandTable objects that were implemented previously.

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The fallback case in the JsonRenderer.toJson() method is unchanged from the previous implementation in the SimpleExecutionResult class.

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The JsonRenderer.jsonForCollection() method is unchanged from its previous implementation in the SimpleExecutionResult class.

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The JsonRenderer.jsonForArray() method is also unchanged from its previous implementation in the SimpleExecutionResult class.

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The JsonRenderer.escapeStringForJson() method is also unchanged from its previous implementation in the SimpleExecutionResult class.

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The JsonTest is a typical implementation of the Nyzo Test interface. The main() method runs the test independently.

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The run() method, required by the NyzoTest interface, invokes two other methods: testDeserialization() and testFrozenEdgeCommand().

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The getFailureCause() method, also required by the NyzoTest interface, returns a human-readable description of the source of test failure.

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The JsonTest.testDeserialization() method first tests two simple JSON objects, one with a single key and value, followed by one with five keys and five values.

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Next, the JsonTest.testDeserialization() method deserializes a hard-coded result from the client with some arrays and nesting.

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The result object in a client result is contained within an array. All values are checked. For simplicity, no type conversions are performed in this test.

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Finally, a simple array of numbers is tested. This is the test that revealed the bug that was fixed in the Json.parseJsonArray() method.

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The JsonTest.testFrozenEdgeCommand() method creates an instance of the client's FrozenEdgeCommand, serializes its result, then deserializes the JSON string and checks the values in the JsonObject that is produced.

This method first creates a Block and sets it as the Block Manager's frozen edge in order to produce a predictable result.

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The FrozenEdgeCommand is run, its API result is rendered as a byte array, and that byte array is converted back to a String. That String is then parsed to a JsonObject.

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The notices and errors arrays are both confirmed to be present and empty.

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Finally, all of the values in the nested result object are checked against the expected values.

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A JsonTest instance was added to the array of tests in TestUtil.

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The HtmlTag class contains a small change to catch and print errors in the Javascript produced by the ajaxUpdate() method.

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